Tuesday, April 25, 2006

End car-aholism!

A new book by Lynn Sloman, who lives locally to the Low Carbon Kid, protests against our car-dependent culture.

Called ‘Car Sick: Solutions for our Car-addicted Culture’ it is about the issues posed by caraholism.

It also features a lot of local places and people from here in the Dyfi Valley – including highlighting the problems with poor public transport east of Machynlleth, and solutions such as flexible taxibuses, the credit-card sized timetables that the Dyfi Valley Public Transport Users group has been developing, and the Machynlleth car club.

If you would like to obtain a copy, it can be ordered directly from the publishers on Green Books or from The Guardian for a £1 discount. It costs £10.95.

There was also an article about it in the Guardian.

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